Monday, January 4, 2010


Hey everyone:

I am starting this blog to combat a serious problem. Nobody seems to know who The Man is, or how to stick it to him! So I will use this post to answer the first question and then devote subsequent posts to listing the various ways that It can be stuck to The Man.

The term "The Man" arose in several counterculture and racial minority groups as a way to refer collectively to the people in charge (who were, and in most cases still are, white men in expensive suits.) The Man was the oppressor, the representative of all the men who frowned on alternative ways of life, especially not being white. Well, times have changed. Racial issues have yet to be fully resolved, but the virtuous, nice-smelling crusaders of Woodstock (guess which part of this sentence so far is sarcastic) have triumphed to some degree. Although shower-taking has, if anything, increased in popularity, drug use is rampant and sexual promiscuity is through the roof.

Sure, those things are still not accepted within the realm of politicians and business executives (except taking showers), but there is no doubt that very few of these people actually take a stand against them anymore. The balance of power has shifted, and now a new group must take the mantle of The Man: the media, the advertisers, and the movers and shakers of the world's culture. A similar thing happened in Russia when Marx wrote of the bourgeois and, just a few decades later, the country groaned under the rule of Stalin.

Now we have unmasked The Man. How are we to stick it to him? I will make one generalization and then give detailed explanations of different tactics we can put into effect. If there is one thing that has not changed about The Man it is that he is still usually quite affluent. But he also has a 2-year-old brat's tolerance for things not going just the way he likes it. Go online and look at any trailer for almost any blockbuster movie and vow never to act like the characters in it. Also note that the people who do act like that are most likely The Man themselves and an immediate attempt should be made to either save them from their plight or stick it to them if they are too far gone. This also goes for most of what you see on the news and any sitcom on television.

So stop listening to the so-called "counterculture" people. The culture is now going their way and it is no better than the last direction. The Man will fight back. He has considerable power to make life unpleasant, but we must be brave. We must be strong.


(P.S. Here's a mini-tip that I just used: mentioning God or Jesus in a way that makes it sound like you are a committed Christian really upsets The Man.)

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